Should Payments be Invisible in the Consumer and Business Experience?

Invisible Payments as a Function of Transparent & Frictionless Workflows

I was recently asked to speak on a panel at the Lend360 conference. The question presented to us, Should payments be invisible? got me thinking.

When I use a rideshare app to take me to the airport, I don’t “see” the payment, but I know and trust the payment is taking place. Perhaps it’s not about invisibility, and more about transparency and reducing friction that we desire in payments.  

One of the biggest motivators to the product team at Dash Solutions is building solutions that deliver payments experiences that surprise & delight payees and elevate payments from mere functions to part of a broader strategy. I believe payees value transparency and having options into the level of insight they wish to have when making a payment and the method of payment they choose.

Choice is nice, but sometimes too much comes with downfalls including:  

  • Unbalanced cost structures
  • Overly complex administrative burden that comes with wiring up all the permutations of how people wish to pay and be paid

To address what we’re observing in the marketplace, Dash Solutions has leaned into two core areas of payments that we see an “optimization plays”.   Those are: 

Payments as a Platform

How we can use the payment stroke of a payor/payee relationship to reinforce and enhance the overall payee experience.  That may come in the form of layering in messaging, branding the payment, or even delivering responsive communications based on the type of payment being made. 

Convenience in Every Experience

The other area that we are leaning into is how we balance the administrative conundrum of delivering a single payment type , while at the same time also satisfying the payees' desires and preferences

Lean on a Convenient, Secure, and Frictionless System

For years, Dash Solutions has studied the preferences and behaviors of payees and solicited customer feedback through thousands of interactions. We’ve arrived at a payment platform concept that utilizes a product that EVERYONE knows how to use to serve as the conduit for choice- both from a payor AND a payee perspective.  


This platform delivers immediate funds usability and then enables a myriad of money movement options for payees who wish to consume funds differently.  In the payee’s journey within our platform, we have the ability to deliver messaging and branding throughout what is a very intuitive platform and experience. 

Written by: Matt Frye, Chief Product Officer

Drive frictionless and convenient payments today.