Enhanced Efficiency of Complete Agri Services’ Agricultural Payroll

Enhanced Efficiency of Complete Agri Services Payroll

Complete Agri Services offers agricultural and ag-adjacent services such as agricultural staffing, agricultural industry subcontracting of employees, and disinfection applications. Complete Agri Services specifically assists with regularly staffing thousands of employees through contracts with various meat-packing facilities across the United States.


Complete Agri Services was faced with the challenges of reducing check fraud and decreasing administrative headache when it came to paying employees who did not have traditional bank accounts equipped with direct deposit options.

With check fraud being more rampant than ever before, mailing physical checks and exposing bank account information was no longer an option.

In addition to the business risk of check and payment fraud, Complete Agri Services had been burdened with the administrative paperwork tied to distributing thousands of employees’ paper paychecks each month. Before working with Dash Solutions, Complete Agri Services’ end-of-month reconciliation process was extremely time- consuming and included statements that were up to fifty-five pages long.


Some challenges faced by agricultural organizations like Complete Agri Services can include general mail delays due to unexpected weather or storms that can prevent employees from receiving their checks on time, check printer issues such as ink smudges making checks unreadable and thus not cashable, cost per check owed to check processors, as well as fraud risk not only from certain standalone check-cashing places, but from sending checks through the mail. Challenges like these led the organization to search for a better, more streamlined agricultural payroll solution.

Understanding the need to reduce fraud risk, lessen the amount of monthly paperwork alongside maintaining the importance of employee satisfaction, Complete Agri Services turned to Dash Solutions to meet their needs. With decades of experience in digital, modernized payroll solutions, Dash Solutions introduced dashPay. With dashPay, Complete Agri Services would be able to pay the employees they were currently paying via physical check in a quick, easy, and secure manner – significantly reducing fraud risk as well as greatly reducing the amount of administrative paperwork the company was currently handling.

Partnering with Dash Solutions allowed Complete Agri Services a way to streamline their payroll experience, improving the end-to-end payment process for both the company and its employees.


Complete Agri Services’ partnership with Dash Solutions is a success for multiple reasons. At Dash Solutions, we have worked closely with Complete Agri Services to fine-tune our processes to fit not only their specific needs, but also the needs of those in the agricultural industry. Our solution is tailored to be simple for both agricultural employers and employees to navigate and utilize. By partnering with Dash Solutions, Complete Agri Services has reduced check fraud risk, saved administrative costs, eliminated hours of paperwork and given employees a simplified, instant way to receive their paychecks.

“Working with Dash Solutions has been such a pleasure. You go above and beyond what is expected and have made our lives at Complete Agri Services much easier in so many aspects. We appreciate all that you do and look forward to continuing to work with you.”

Access the full case study now:

See how partnering with Dash Solutions allowed Complete Agri Services to utilize dashPay to eliminate fraud risk, make their agricultural payroll processes more efficient, and improve employee satisfaction, all while reducing administrative burden.
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